Thursday 30 August 2018

You should consider GreyOrange Goods-to-man Automation for your Warehouse

Over the last few years, online shopping has gained huge momentum across the world. The e-commerce players allure the customers with huge slashed prices and prompt and swift deliveries. The customers get to choose if they want next-day delivery or express delivery within hours or even a store-pickup. The big sale days that the e-commerce giants feature also puts a lot of pressure on the warehouses to handle the huge volume of orders and offer impeccable product deliveries. Such customer preferences are hard to be met by the traditional warehouses where the processes are predominantly unorganized and the arrangements are rigid. 

Robotic warehouses handle such customer preferences with ease. From docking to order fulfillment, the automated warehouses efficiently optimize the warehouse processes and track the statuses of all the processes in real time. Goods-to-man automation is the process where the Autonomous Mobile Robots in a warehouse bring the MSU (Mobile Storage Units) to the operator for order fulfillment. GreyOrange does Goods-to-man automation in a warehouse with their Butler robots. Butler Robots along with MSUs, SKUs (Stock Keeping Units), PPS (Pick Put Stations) and charging stations automate order fulfillment end-to-end. The Butlers and the entire system is collaborated and managed by GreyMatter, the intelligent, decision-driven Warehouse Execution Software (WES) from GreyOrange.

You should you consider GreyOrange Goods-to-man automation for your warehouse

An automated warehouse with an intelligent WES results in a much efficient storage space utilization. The Autonomous Mobile Robots (Butlers) in a warehouse ensure denser storage with minimal aisle space.

The demand patterns are captured in real time and warehouse storage is customized accordingly. For example, when a seasonal surge is found for a particular product, it is placed close to the operator for easy retrieval without disturbing the other MSUs.  

The Autonomous Mobile Robots in a warehouse can independently move across the various floors of the warehouse.

The Butlers come in two variants – M and XL based on their payload capacity and can carry payloads as high as 1600 kgs. They are 360 degrees rotatable and are built with AI, Sensor and complex Vision Technology and Machine Learning.

The MSUs can handle all types of Stock Keeping Units (SKU) like boxes, sacks, fragile items, apparel hangers, drums and poly bags and the MSUs can be customized.

When an order arrives, the Butlers find the optimal way to reach the MSUs with the order items and coordinate with other Butlers robots in operation and bring them safely to the operator in the Pick/Put Station (PPS). The operator then picks the item from the MSUs and puts them in the customer tote.

With the Butler range of robots, the warehouse can process order fulfillment 24 * 7. At any point of time, 48 orders can be seamlessly fulfilled.

If you are looking to automate the order fulfillment process of your warehouse, do get in touch with us and we shall be happy to help you. While our Butler range of products do Goods to man Automation for your warehouse, the Butler PickPal can help you automate the picking process too! Call us today to know more about our ingenious product range.

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Five Benefits of Incorporating Modern Robotic Warehouse Systems

Automation of warehouses becomes the need of the hour if the industries want a highly efficient and well-structured real-time order fulfilment process. For warehouse automation, the market is inundated with heaps of warehouse robots manufacturers and suppliers. Also, the warehouse sorting system is necessary to accomplish the process of warehouse automation efficiently.

As more and more industries are switching over from a manual warehouse operation to an automated one, warehouse automation services are continuously on demand. Robotic warehouse systems are meant for streamlining the entire working culture of the modern warehouse. However, the rising concern remains about the choice of the best service provider.

Talking about the robotic warehouse systems, here are the five benefits of it

Warehouse workflow speed: The modern and high-tech warehouse systems are meant to speed up the entire workflow within the industries. In addition to speeding up product retrieval, the process of order accomplishment also speeds up. In turn, the overall inventory management process of the industries starts functioning efficiently. With the improved warehouse system, it becomes convenient to regulate the inventory control which otherwise is a time-consuming task.

Reduction in the cost of operation: Robotic warehouse automation is structured for reducing the operation cost of industrial warehouses. It saves on the remuneration being paid to the warehouse laborers. With robotic warehouse systems, the industries can keep an eye their machines running for a longer duration without paying it additionally. In short, the need to pay workers for overtime gets nullified with the well-structured warehouse automation.

Space Maximization: The fundamental principle behind the installation of automated warehouses is to maximize the availability of space. The automated warehouse features robots which handle the product retrieval and storage efficiency to accomplish real-time order fulfilment process. Majority of the automated industrial warehouses utilize vertical space for storage purpose.

Reduction in product damage: With manually operated warehouses, the chances of product damage are comparatively higher. Thus, for a business to be successful, it is to automate their industrial warehouses to handle the voluminous goods efficiently. One can say that the automated warehouses Robots are the perfect blend of the predictable, consistent and efficient automation process. Also, due to its ability to take up lesser square footage, it reduces the unnecessary utilization of resources and energy. Robotic warehouse system needs lesser power for lighting, heating and cooling process to be active.

Reduction in staffing: As the name itself suggests, automation facilitates a reduction in the warehouse staffing process. Reduction in warehouse staffing is the next green benefit of automated warehouses. It eliminates the risk of injuries within the warehouses. With automation, the majority of the repetitive and laborious duties gets accomplished by the robots and warehouse sorters. The warehouse sorters are enriched with conveyor belt technology to effectuate the green packaging of products. The green packaging of products plays an important role facilitates environmental friendly packaging.

In short incorporation of automated robots in warehouses yields greener profits for the industries which give them cleaner competitive supremacy.

Warehouse robots are redefining the process of warehouse automation with their increased efficiency and productivity.

Friday 1 June 2018

How are the Automated Warehouse robots improving the accuracy, business flexibility, and the productivity?

World today is becoming more automated and controlled by the robots. Moreover, it is no longer a whammy situation, which the industries are equipping their warehouses with automated warehouse robots. These are meant to improve accuracy, business flexibility and finally the business productivity.

Along with the increasing demand for the automated warehouse robots, the need for the automated picking systems in the warehouse is also witnessing an exponential growth curve. Most of the private industries in India are becoming a part of the automated industrial revolution. Today, the requirement for both the automated warehouse robots and the automated picking systems in warehouse peaks from the manufacturing units, logistics sectors, consumer goods, pharma and more specifically the automobile industries.

Reasons why the industries are introducing the concept of the automated warehouse robots and the automated picking systems in the warehouse:

As we witness today, there is a tremendous rise in the demand for the industrial products from the e-commerce customers. Instead of this, the supply chain struggles to meet the rising needs of the market. The automated warehouse robots and the automated picking systems in the warehouse are the solutions of the future to tackle the problems that arise today.

Automated Warehouse Robots:
The automated warehouse robots are explicitly designed to cater the requirements of the high speed as well as the higher volume of distribution. The automated warehouse robots are engineered to move along the aisles and fetch the products from the shelves. When compared with the working hours of normal human labor, a high-tech and adequately executed automated warehouse robot require about one hour to accomplish the task for which the labor consumes five. The automated warehouse robots help the industries to keep their delivery cost and time under control. Majorly, the automated warehouse robots manufactured in India are being deployed to the logistic companies globally.

Automated Picking Systems in Warehouse:
The latest automated picking systems in warehouse resembles the functioning of the multi-purpose workstations. They are equipped with the multi-lingual user interface system. The multi-lingual user interface system assists in guided pick, audit and returns operations. It aids the operator in fulfilling up to forty-eight orders simultaneously. In short, the automated picking systems in the warehouse are meant to furnish the warehouse operators with faster and accurate fulfilments.

Introducing the leading manufacturers for automated warehouse robots and the automated picking systems in a warehouse in India:
The GreyOrange firm is the prominent name amongst the leading manufacturers of automated warehouse robots and the automated picking systems in a warehouse in India. It facilitates the industries such as the logistics of the warehouse automation systems. The automated warehouse robots of the GreyOrange are available under the name of GreyOrange Butler. The GreyOrange Butlers are available in two models with payloads of 500 kilograms and 1600 kilograms respectively. Their automated picking systems in the warehouse are available under the name of Pick Put Stations. The products manufactured at the GreyOrange are quality assured and cost-efficient. Their product engineers design the products to meet every minute detail of the warehouse automation system. The GreyOrange’s are unsurpassable for their automated warehouse robots and the automated picking systems in a warehouse in India

Monday 28 May 2018

Five Features of the Best Warehouse Automation System in India

India today has ample of industries which needs an upgrade for the warehouses. With the trend of the globalization experiencing exponential growth, it is the need of the hour to upgrade the warehousing and the distribution systems present in the industries. To ease the processes and the functioning of the warehouses, the concept called warehouse automation system comes into play. The need for a perfect warehouse automation system is as it has become a pivotal section of the supply chain management.

Good warehouse automation system plays a vital role in the efficient industrial order fulfillment process. An efficient warehouse automation system function resembles the navigation of the autonomous vehicle on the road. An industrial warehouse upgraded with a warehouse automation system has the automated mobile robots to perform the manual functions of translocating the materials from one place to other.

Talking about the warehouse automation system in India, here are the five features of the best warehouse automation system:

Enhance the business agility and growth: A comprehensive warehouse automation system should be able to change as per the changes that occur in the inventory profiles, demand patterns, and the peaks.

Minimal Operating Cost: The warehouse automation system must be capable of saving the entire time for the operation at least up to seventy percent.

Elimination of the Complexity: A well-structured warehouse automation system helps in the waste reduction and increase efficiency.

Business Continuity: In this era of the global competition, it is just that business continues to thrive in the long run. The warehouse automation system is created for the future business expansions.

Goods-to-person Technology: All the modern warehouse automation systems work on the principal of the goods-to-person technology. It removes walk time and facilitates the faster and accurate fulfillment.

Also, to the warehouse automation systems, the business also prefers the warehouse sorting systems.

The warehouse sorting system functions for
  • Order Profiling
  • Routing
  • Consolidation

Some of the features of warehouse sorting system include the following
The warehouse sorting system facilitates the flow of the products into discrete shipping orders. 

It is meant to increase the working condition and safety in the warehouses. The automated warehouse sorting systems are deployed to fulfill the requirements of the order fulfillment operations.

The automated warehouse sorting systems are meant to capitalize on an amplified platform of the sortation technology. It assists the businesses to fulfill the business requirements efficiently and effectively.    

All the modern warehouse sorting system consists of the dynamic software configurations. The active software configurations are meant to restore the sortation logic to upgrade the rising business demands.

It overcomes the hurdles of the increasing business costs, bulk orders, issues about the workforce, and scope for zero errors imparts the competitive edge to the flexible and scalable warehouse sorting system.

These are few of the characteristic features of both the warehouse automation system and the warehouse sorting system.
Warehouse automation system and warehouse sorting systems are gaining popularity day by day with the rising inputs of globalization.

Monday 21 May 2018

Warehouse Management Simplified with Robotic Warehouse System

Robotic Warehousing in India is gaining huge popularity with big e-commerce, logistics or retail players realizing the exponential success and accuracy of robots in robotic warehouses.
Ordered a product from an e-commerce website and got it delivered the very next day? You should have! But, have you ever wondered where these products are stored, how such numerous items are stored, how they are picked and dispatched when an order is placed? These backend operations of every single order happens in huge Robotic warehouse systems.

 Warehousing is an integral part of Supply Chain Management that is greatly dominated by the human workforce. Considering the limitations of the traditional and rigid warehouse automations, many e-commerce giants, third party logistics providers and even big retail players have started investing in Robotic warehouse systems as they are faster, smarter and more efficient in putting the stock in its place and picking the desired products. As the customer demands instant delivery, the warehouses are under constant pressure to deliver the product in the shortest possible time, driving even the small companies to invest in clever Robotic warehouse systems.

 These robots use the visual sensor technology that helps these robots to navigate safely and avoid any obstacle ensuring zero down-time. Additionally, these robots carry Mobile Storage Units (MSU) that can manage different inventory types of up to 1600 kgs like single item, cases, apparel, sacks or barrel drums.

What is a Robotic warehouse system?
These are technically advanced warehouse systems. Here a warehouse is equipped with robotic systems that automate picking and put away operation. These robotic warehouses bring MSUs (racks) from different locations in a warehouse at a pick-put station where an operator picks the item for order fulfillment. These robots or AGVs uses goods-to-person technology that compliments human efficiency by eliminating manual errors or delays in walking within a warehouse.

Why should you invest in a Robotic Warehouse Automation?
  •   These robots travel across the warehouse, even in multiple floors for faster and accurate order fulfillment.
  • These robots operates 24x7, allowing business continuity with the same constant efficiency and zero external influence.
  • With the help of machine learning and artificial intelligence, these warehouse robots understand the demand patterns and seasonal peaks that helps in managing the inventory with better accuracy and efficiency.
These warehouse robots arranges MSUs in order of real-time popularity with the help of artificial intelligence. The fast moving goods are placed closer to the picking station, reducing the order cycle-time.

  •  These robots can carry enormous payload and even different inventory types as MSUs can be reconfigured to meet change in business needs.
  •  MSU contributes to better storage density and results in less need for aisle space.
  • Robotic Warehouse Automation system is robust and can be deployed in any existing warehouse space.
  •  Additionally, the system is simple and labor friendly. A basic training is required to adapt to the technology.
Robotic warehouse systems have started gaining huge momentum all over the world. So, the next time you order a product from any online or retail store, give a thought about these robotic warehouse systems that stocked your product in a warehouse or a distribution center and moved around to get it on your cart or basket when you ordered it.